Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) can distribute "unsegment" or "remove from segment" signals to our data partners. These signals communicate that a user/device has now been removed from a segment that they previously belonged to. Our data partners support "unsegment" if they can receive and correctly process these remove from segment signals.
Unsegment signals in Batch transfers
The default for communicating unsegment signals in batch files is to use a third column, which contains a comma separated list of segment IDs. These IDs should be removed from the device/cookie ID in the first column. See documentation.
In the above example data row, the segment IDs to remove are highlighted in yellow. The segment IDs to be added are in green, and the value in blue is the cookie/device ID.
Unsegment signals in Real-time transfers
The default for communicating unsegment signals in real-time (JSON) messages is to use the "Status" attribute within a Segment object. If "Status":"0", then the segment should be removed from the device/cookie ID. See documentation.
A list of data partners that can process unsegment signals is linked in this article.