Note: Any partner can create a listing, but for a listing to be public and searchable on the Adobe Exchange Marketplace you MUST be Silver or higher tier of partnership. If you choose to remain a Community Member, your listing will be a private, it will not be searchable or visible to the public, though you can get a shareable link.
Adobe Commerce Marketplace extension listings can be created by anyone, and will always be visible and searchable in Adobe Commerce Marketplace regardless of partnership level.
A few items of note:
- Developer Distribution is accessible via the Partner Portal from the “Distribute” button up top or directly via this link
- You must have a sandbox org associated with your partner portal login, if you are getting “Access denied” as an error, please contact support.
- During the process if you need to stop and pick up later just hit the "Save draft listing" button.
- The "Preview and Submit" button will only be available once all required fields below are completed. All images uploaded are required to be the dimension mentioned.
- General -> App subtitle is required
- General -> Description is required
- General -> Support email is required
- General -> Support information is required
- Icons -> App icon: 48 x 48 px is required
- Icons -> App icon: 96 x 96 px is required
- Icons -> App icon: 192 x 192 px is required
- Icons -> Featured image: 1360 x 800 px is required
- Media -> Screenshot is required
- Products -> Products at least one REQUIRED product or at least two OPTIONAL products required
- Tags -> Standard tags (up to 7) must not have fewer than 1 items
- Tags -> Country (select at least one) must not have fewer than 1 items
- Services -> Instruction templates is required
How to create your app listing
Login on the Technology Partner site, click on the “Distribute” button on the upper right corner (If you aren't already registered, visit this page for registration information.)
Since the migration to Developer Distribution has just rolled out, you will be directed to the Documentation page, from there you can click on “Distribute” to continue with creating a new listing.
Select “Create new listing” then you will see the listing type below, choose “Software integration.”
Navigate to “Listing details” page to add listing-level metadata details that could help Exchange Marketplace users discover your listing once it’s published.
You can enter new listing details in multiple tabs: General, Icons, Media, Products, Tags, and Services. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.
The General tab
The General tab has the application’s public name*, a short description (subtitle)*, a long description*, and support information (email*, URL, phone number and information).
The Icons tab
The Icons tab is asking you to provide three of the same icon* (your partner logo) in different sizes. Featured image is only required for Platinum partners and a selected Gold partners, this is the image to be used as a featured image on the carousel of the Exchange marketplace.
The Media tab
The Media tab has screenshots*, videos*, documents*, and developer reference.
The Products tab
The Products tab has the list of Adobe products that the software integration might support. You can choose one or more products as ‘Required’ or ‘Optional.’ Required products are the ones that the software integration needs to function properly. Optional products are the ones that the integration supports but doesn’t necessarily require.
The Tags tab
The Tags tab has standard tags, categories (such as Country and Industry), and custom tags that developers can add. These categories and tags help users discover and filter/sort software integration app listings published on the Exchange marketplace.
The Services tab
The Services tab is for entering information such as end-user license agreement, installation instructions*, version, release notes, and supported languages. You can choose an existing template for installation instructions or add a custom one in the URL or PDF format.
When all the mandatory fields have been added, clicking on “Preview and submit” button will open the submission pop-up window. The pop-up window give you the option to preview listing in marketplace and view your public profile.
You must provide a note to Adobe reviewers and mark the checkbox for Adobe brand guideline before you can “Submit listing”.
Upon successful submission of the listing, you will be taken back to the “Listing Overview” page, with a success message for confirmation of submission. The status the listing you just submitted will be updated from draft to “In review.”
Reviewing and editing a listing submission
To update your listing once it has been initially approved login to the Partner Portal, and click the “Distribute” button to go to Developer Distribution “Listing Overview” page.
When a listing has been submitted for review, a Technology Partner Program team member will review the application details. If all the information is complete and requirements are met, the reviewer will approve the listing. The status of the submission will be updated accordingly. You will be notified by email when the listing is submitted, need review and when it has been approved and published on the marketplace.
Listing details can be edited on an approved, published, or retracted listing. Listing detail edits are highlighted by a yellow/orange outline. The status has an edit suffix.
Edits can be submitted for review and will take effect immediately upon approval.
Please reach out to our support team for any questions!
Other helpful links:
- FAQ and other documentations on Developer Distribution