Since Data Connectors have been discontinued, many partners will need to rebuild their integrations using other Adobe Analytics tools. Below we’ve listed some common Data Connectors functionality and possible replacements for each one.
Most of the replacements are calls to existing public APIs. To make these calls, you will need to first get access to a customer’s Adobe Analytics account. This article describes the access required and how to get that access from customers. You’ll want to ask for the minimum number of permissions necessary to make your integration work (so that customers will be comfortable granting you those permissions) so some of the APIs below may be technically feasible replacements but impractical for your particular integration. You’ll need to decide what makes the most sense for you and your customers. This article walks through how you can get sandbox access to Adobe Analytics and begin testing your workflows. This article provides a case study of how an email marketing integration might be set up using the tools available.
Data Connector setup
Choose and rename list vars for the integration
If a customer is unwilling to allow you to view and create variables, you’ll need document how they can create the variables themselves. Otherwise:
Choose and rename eVars for the integration
If a customer is unwilling to allow you to view and create variables, you’ll need document how they can create the variables themselves. Otherwise:
Choose and rename events for the integration
If a customer is unwilling to allow you to view and create variables, you’ll need document how they can create the variables themselves. Otherwise:
Create classification columns for chosen eVars
Create classification rulesets for chosen eVars
Currently, there isn’t a replacement API to set up classification rulesets. Partner will need to obtain a sandbox and use the sandbox to test workflows in the UI for setting up those classification rulesets. They can then write documentation for their customers about how to set up the ruleset.
Create custom segments
If a customer is unwilling to allow you to view and create segments, you’ll need document how they can create the variables themselves. Otherwise:
Choose from existing segments to use for the integration
This might be something that the customer will wish to do themselves and they may want to restrict your permissions to certain segments. If not:
Create calculated metrics
Choose data collection model
Some integrations allow specifying how integration data will be uploaded into analytics. This site lists the various data collection methods available in Adobe Analytics. The recommended method for client-side data collection is via a Launch plug-in. There is no api equivalent for this.
Create Processing Rules
Currently Data Connectors can create processing rules to support collecting data from customer websites. These processing rules are protected, meaning they appear in the UI, but are not editable by customers directly. There is no api for this. If you would like processing rules to be part of your integration, you’ll need to provide instructions for customers so they can create them. Otherwise, most of the things that processing rules can do could be done client-side via a Launch plugin or a Javascript plugin.
Create Vista Rules
Some Data Connectors create vista rules to support automated data collection.
There is no api for this. Currently we recommend finding a work-around because Vista rules can only be enabled by the Adobe Engineering Services team generally at a cost to the customer.
Create DataSource
Some Data Connectors create a hidden datasource to upload data to the Partner.UploadMetricsAction. Replacements are:
Define Custom Scripts
Data Connectors currently allow partners to define custom scripts that can be run by the partner when wanted. Scripts can create/edit segments, create/edit calculated metrics, create datasources, run some reports. There is no api replacement for this, however some of the methods listed above could be used for most of the things that these custom scripts were used for.
Data export
GetClassificationData - return classification files
GetSCSegmentedData/GetSegmentedData - report by calling Data Warehouse
- 2.0/reports
- 1.4/reporting-api
- this API can be used for Standard reports & DataWarehouse reports
GetSegments - return segments that are part of the integration
Data Import
UploadClassifications - classification file import
UploadMetrics - datasource import
Partner Information Apis
None of the following Data Connector APIs have 1.4 or 2.0 API replacements:
- GetIntegrations - returns all active integrations for a partner
- GetIntegrationsBrief
- GetIntegrationsDetail
- RunScript - executes scripts defined during integration creation