Why was LauchPoint.com discontinued?
In January 2020, the Marketo Technology Partner Program merged with the Adobe Technology Partner Program. LaunchPoint.com was discontinued in April 2021, and we urge partners to submit your application listings to the Adobe Exchange Marketplace.
How do I create an application listing on Adobe Exchange Marketplace?
To create a listing partners will need to join the Technology Partner program. Once registered, all partners can access the Developer Distribution from the Technology Partner portal by clicking on the "Distribute" button..
App Manager allows partners to obtain sandboxes to build and test their integrations and create a listing on the Exchange Marketplace. This article describes how to use the Developer Distribution to build, test, and list an integration.
Note: Creating listings can be done by all partners regardless of partnership level. However, for a listing to be public and searchable on the Adobe Exchange Marketplace you MUST be Silver or higher tier of partnership. If you choose to remain an Exchange Member your listing will be private, it will not be searchable or visible to the public on the Exchange Marketplace, but you will have a link to share the listing with others.
I am not an Adobe Technology partner yet, how do I begin?
Please review our Program Benefits page and register on our Technology partner portal. Refer to this helpful step-to-step guide for instructions on how to register.
I am currently a Community-level Member and would like to upgrade to Silver, how do I begin?
You can refer to this helpful article on how to upgrade to Silver.
If I have more questions, who can I contact?
Please reach out to our support team with any additional questions that you may have.